Let Me Tell You A Story: A Conversation with Master Storyteller Mark Carpenter

Let Me Tell You A Story: A Conversation with Master Storyteller Mark Carpenter

Mark Carpenter is a master storyteller. He teaches executives, professionals, marketers, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders how to identify stories in their life and then craft those stories to entertain, persuade, and present to people. In the...

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Lessons from Leaders with Brian Beckcom

Mark Carpenter is a master storyteller. He teaches executives, professionals, marketers, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders how to identify stories in their life and then craft those stories to entertain, persuade, and present to people. In the podcast, Mark and I talk about -Why storytelling is the most effective method of communicating ideas -How to identify awesome stories in your own life -How to craft those events in your life into dynamic, persuasive stories and a whole lot more.............


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