Workplace Jazz: A Conversation with Gerald Leonard

Workplace Jazz: A Conversation with Gerald Leonard

Gerald has been a professional musician for almost 50 years. Gerald’s musical talents have focused on jazz music in particular. Gerald is also the CEO of Principles of Execution, a Certified Minority Business Enterprise, and author of Workplace...

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Lessons from Leaders with Brian Beckcom

Gerald has been a professional musician for almost 50 years. Gerald’s musical talents have focused on jazz music in particular. Gerald is also the CEO of Principles of Execution, a Certified Minority Business Enterprise, and author of Workplace Jazz: How to Improvise. 

In the podcast, Gerald and I talk about how to manage chaos, how his jazz experience informs his advice to entrepreneurs and business owners, the power of listening, how artistic people can thrive in. corporate environments, why to treat your employees like artists, and a whole lot more.

And now I give you, Gerald Leonard.


Connect with Brian:

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