Creating Complete Leaders: A Conversation with Caren Kenney

Creating Complete Leaders: A Conversation with Caren Kenney

Caren Kenney is the CEO and Founder of Evolve Leadership. Caren coaches and consults with C-suite executives, high level athletes, military officers, and other leaders. Before Evolve, Caren was part of the leadership team at Johnson & Johnson Human...

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Lessons from Leaders with Brian Beckcom

Caren Kenney is the CEO and Founder of Evolve Leadership. Caren coaches and consults with C-suite executives, high level athletes, military officers, and other leaders. Before Evolve, Caren was part of the leadership team at Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, where she built and launched several health and wellness initiatives. 

Caren focuses on holistic leadership, meaning she focuses on the whole person, not just numbers or the “bottom line.” 

In the show, Caren and I talk about the importance of being a complete leader, how meditation, mindfulness, and other mental training can help executives and athletes succeed as leaders, why focusing on numbers only is a recipe for failure, and a whole lot more.

And now I give you, Caren Kenney.


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